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Monday, November 08, 2010


The past few days haven't been easy for me. I've been thinking, how could two person with so much differences go such a long way back? I mean creating memories, giving love, care and support to each other. You used to be my other half, I remembered I couldn't do without you. It was that bad.

No one is perfect, everyone has their weaknessnes and strength and everyone have their own issues and shortcomings. And with time, I was shown that fantasy cannot outlive reality. You cannot lie about a fact. With love, you can embrace one's weakness. You can lie to yourself, but you will never be truly happy. It would be an issue unresolved in your heart.

We've been through this countless times; a million times. It should have been a piece of cake. I never worried as much before. But this time, it felt like a heartbreak. I've been more upset than I've expected. Upset not at you, but with myself. For being one with such weakness, for not having something to compliment you.

This time, you seemed to have hit on the raw nerve. Feels like you either made permanent damage, or the root of the problem is going to be solved. I thought oct was bad, nov is going to be good. Sadly, a week hardly pastby and its gone bad. Its like another one month of the many, its an statistic.

The toughness to go on without you is inexplicable, but I have to go on. Because you want to be happy, and I have to do it for you.


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