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Monday, July 16, 2007

Passion, will/not let me down.

i'm so vexed over with the JC decision. AC or VJ?
i've been thinking dam dam hard about it. both schools have things that i like, and those that i dont like. i weighed over and over and over again, its really left to one thing to decide. its whether i still want to play basketball or not.
and after thinking so hard, i realize i cant give it up. its in me, its too tough for me to give it up.
i know some of you might laugh at me. because my basketball is not very good, not good enough to represent S'pore, so i have no future for it. but what the heck, it doesn't have to be the full reason or will for you to do something you have passion for.

i know i might regret, regret not going AC. regret not going full-time into golf. regret not listening to everyone who told me to choose AC. regret for trying to do so much and making myself struggle with everything in VJ. i know i might regret about many things. but wanting to play basketball with some friends, and going through thick-and-thin with those with me, its something you cannot find easily in life.

i know life's going to be real tough ahead of me. its going to be much worst than how it is now. if i have so little time for golf now, i know you people cant expect me to even touch my clubs when i get into VJ. well, thats my challenge. if i fail, i fall badly, if i succeed, my family and friends will hail me.

it is going to be another phase for me.

i know oneday, i might just lose my passion for basketball, just simply drains away from me. and when i look back, i'll be such a fool. to waste all my time on something where i see myself regretting. so, i'm going to change my mindset.
its not going to be whether i regret, or continue to play basketball. i'm going to look back to see my time spent with friends, to maximise myself, stretching to the limit.

deep inside, those that truly cares for me, or love me, will suppot me all the way.


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